Small groups


2025  small groups

Men's Small Group

Leader: Jack Merrill

Date/Time: Tuesdays at 7 PM

Location: Kissimmee, FL

Cell Phone: 8132405453

Curriculum: The book of Acts

Men's Small Group

Leader: Ray Cull

Date/Time: Thursdays at 6 PM

Location: Kissimmee, FL

Cell Phone: 860-428-0230

Curriculum: The Gospel of Matthew

Coed Small Group

Leader: Jim and Amy Checkley

Date/Time: Wednesday at 6:30 PM

Location:  Poinciana, FL

Cell Phone: 574-606-6065

Curriculum: TBD

Women's Small Group

Leader: Stephanie Lowe

Date/Time: Sundays at 2 PM

Location: Poinciana Christian Church

Cell Phone: 863-969-6625

Curriculum: Ephesians by J.D. Greer

Women's Small Group

Leader: Shelley Cull

Date/Time: Tuesdays at 1PM

Location: Poinciana Christian Church

Cell Phone: 407- 537 - 5641


Curriculum: Quest 52

Co-Ed Small Group

Leader: Paul and Jana Wasmund

Date/Time: Wednesday at 7 PM

Location: Winter Haven, FL

Cell Phone: 863-514-0501


Curriculum: The book of Philippians

Co-Ed Small Group

Leader: Ken and Bev Hokkanen

Date/Time: Tuesday at 7 PM

Location: Poinciana, FL

Cell Phone: 608-695-6588


Curriculum: TBD

Co-Ed Small Group

Leader: Jim and Amy Checkley

Date/Time: Sunday at 6 PM

Location: Poinciana, FL

Cell Phone: 574-606-6065


Curriculum: Quest 52

Sign Up Today!

Small groups provide an opportunity to build deeper relationships with other people and provide a way to connect with God in a smaller setting. Every year, we launch small groups in the fall and spring. Most groups have a definite beginning and ending, but some choose to meet throughout the year. This fall, our groups will meet until the end of November. Groups will meet at the church or at someone's home. You can choose whichever format you are comfortable with. 

Contact Jack Merrill by email at or by phone at 407.870.9700 for more information.

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