The goal of the Women's Ministry is to provide ways for women of all ages to grow in their relationship with Christ. The Women's Ministry desires to share the love of Jesus and help women have a sense of belonging. This happens through four areas of ministry.
Bible Study
Bible study leaders will present various topics in large and small group formats at a designated home or the church. Check the website for details concerning topics and sign-ups.
Prayer and Encouragement
Meet at various locations around our community to pray. A group prayer will be done at the beginning and then participants are invited to pray on their own. Check the website for details. Children are welcome to participate.
Blessed Hands (Service Projects)
Get involved with service projects that minister to missions and ministries of the church, as well as, local organizations. Contact a Ministry Leader about current projects. Children are welcome to participate.
Mentorship / Discipleship
Designated mentors will disciple women by providing spiritual counsel, teaching, and Biblical guidance on a variety of topics. Contact one of the Ministry Leaders if you desire be a mentor or be mentored.
Women's Ministry Leadership Team:
Jana Wasmund and Terre Williams